Acupuncture and the Menstrual Cycle There are a number of health issues women are generally confronted with. From PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, fertility issues, to irregular menstruation, cramping, heavy period, long menstrual cycles, and the list goes on and on. Women at some point or the other find themselves struggling with one or more of these conditions. Licensed acupuncturists consult …
Acupuncture Can Help Women’s Reproductive Systems
Acupuncture and Women’s Reproductive Systems Acupuncture can help a woman through her entire reproductive cycle. From her first menses to her last, acupuncture helps regulate the period so that a woman can have a healthy life without suffering through bloating, heavy periods with cramps, and other issues. Acupuncture works in a different, more natural way from all types of typical medicines. …