Acupuncture and Pain Relief

Acupuncture and Pain Relief

Acupuncture and Pain Relief

Acupuncture works in a different, more natural way from all types of typical medicines. The body is made up of different channels, or meridians, which represent different organs and organ functions. Often there are obstructed movements in the meridians that run throughout the length of the body. These obstructed movements cause swelling up or blockages of energy in some parts of the body while others get deprived from such energy. Acupuncture is not only able to physically break up blockages in the system, but also stimulates the brain to send endorphins to the injured area and allows the brain to recognize that there is an issue. Thus aiding the body to heal itself better.

Whether it be a pain on a body part:
Eye Pain
Shoulder Pain
Tennis Elbow
Golfers Elbow
Carpal Tunnel
Low Back Pain
Digestion Issues
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Plantar Fasciitis

Or a more systemic type pain such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, asthma, or nausea from cancer treatments, acupuncture can help boost the immune system and improve the body’s inherent healing power.

Pearl Chang Russell practices as a licensed acupuncturist in Richardson, a suburb of Dallas, TX and has a Masters of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Pearl’s source of inspiration is her grandmother whose wealth of experience spans over 50 years in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

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