How Acupuncture Can Help a Woman’s Reproductive System
From her first menses to her last, acupuncture helps regulate the period so that a woman can have a healthy reproductive cycle without suffering through bloating, heavy periods with cramps, and other issues.
The body is made up of different channels, or meridians, which represent different organs and organ functions. Often, movements in the meridians that run throughout the length of the body can become obstructed. These obstructed movements cause swelling or energy blockages in some parts of reproductive organs while others are deprived of such energy.
Acupuncture regulates the blood flow and hormones in these channels by placing needles on strategic sites to stimulate the nervous system to release chemicals to the reproductive organs. Acupuncture works in a different, more natural way from most types of typical medicines. By obtaining balance in the body of Qi (your body’s internal energy), Blood, Yin, and Yang, acupuncture can help women through all stages of her life:
Regulation of Menstrual Cycle
Acupuncture provides a customized solution for each patient that helps the body work in a more coordinated and synchronized way to create a healthy, regular menstrual cycle.
Teenage Years
Acupuncture can help teenaged women with heavy menstrual flow, lots of cramping, bloating, PMS symptoms, and/or acne. They often times get on birth control just to regulate these menstrual issues, but perhaps they (or their parents) don’t want them to be taking pills all of the time.
20s and 30s
Some of the symptoms associated with menstrual problems, like cramps, bloating, and more may actually be caused by endometriosis, fibroids, or PCOS. In these cases, women in their 20s and 30s who are trying to get pregnant may have a hard time because their PCOS, fibroids or endometriosis—or just irregular periods—that haven’t been dealt with. Acupuncture helps fix the cycle to get the body ready to have a healthy baby.
Pearl Acupuncture recommends starting acupuncture treatments as soon as you know you’re going to do IUI and IVF—the work leading up to the transfer can be as important as the implantation procedures themselves. For IUI, acupuncture helps ensure the follicles and hormone levels are good. With IVF, acupuncture helps the follicles and hormone levels, as well as the egg quality.
Not only does acupuncture help with the stress and anxiety associated with infertility, it also assists the body in working the best it can with other special treatments like in-vitro fertilization [IVF] and hormone therapy. (Infertility treatment isn’t just for women; men can benefit from acupuncture to assist with fertility as well.)
In addition to helping the pregnant body do its best to develop a new human, acupuncture can ease a variety of the less miraculous effects of pregnancy, including:
- Back pain
- Hip pain
- Shoulder pain
- Swelling in joints
- Breached babies
- Labor induction
- Postpartum depression
- Insufficient lactation
- Hemorrhoids
The hormonal changes in a woman’s body during menopause can affect a woman’s entire life! From hot flashes to night sweats and irregular periods, it’s a trying time in a woman’s life. Acupuncture treatments help balance the hormones to reduce symptoms such as:
- Lack of energy/fatigue
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Excessive hunger
- Mood swings
- Headaches and migraine
- Excessive sweating
Pearl Acupuncture Can Help
If you are interested in alternative remedies to conventional medicine or are looking for ways to regulate your reproductive cycle, contact Pearl at or 972-813-9414. Or, book an appointment today.
Pearl Chang Russell practices as a licensed acupuncturist in Richardson (a suburb of Dallas, Texas) and is a Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Pearl’s source of inspiration is her grandmother, whose wealth of experience spans more than 50 years in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
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Hi! It can, yes. Feel free to give the clinic a call and we can chat more.